Why are all the Religions against Sex?

Q – Why are all the Religions against Sex?

A – All the religions are against sex because that is the only way to make you miserable. That is the only way to make you feel guilty. That is the only way to reduce you to being sinners.</span>


Sex is one of the most fundamental truths of life, so fundamental that if somebody says it is wrong, he is putting you in trouble. You cannot get rid of it. Unless you become really enlightened you cannot get rid of it. And to become enlightened there is no need to get rid of it. In fact, if you go deeper into it, enlightenment will be easier because a man who has gone deep in love will be capable of going deep in meditation — because in the deepest moments of love there are a few glimpses of meditation.


That’s how meditation has been discovered. That’s how SAMADHI, satori have been discovered. Because in a deep love affair, sometimes, suddenly, your mind disappears. There are no thoughts, no time, no space. You become one with the whole. People have carried those glimpses in their memories and they want to attain to those glimpses more naturally, more in their aloneness, because to depend on the other is not very good, and then it happens only for a moment. How to attain to that glimpse permanently, so it remains there, it becomes your nature?


Religions are against sex because down the centuries they have come to know that sex is the most enjoyable thing for man. So poison his joy. Once you poison his joy and you put this idea in his mind that something is wrong in sex — it is sin — then he will never be able to enjoy it, and if he cannot enjoy it, then his energies will start moving in other directions. He will become more ambitious.


A really sexual person will not be ambitious. Why? He will not hanker to become the prime minister or the president. Why? The energy that becomes ambition is repressed sex. A sexually free person will not try to become anybody. Whatsoever he is, he is beautifully happy. Why should he bother to hoard money…? When you cannot love, you hoard money; money is a substitute. You will never find a money hoarder a loving person, and you will never find a loving person a money hoarder. It is very difficult. Money is a substitute; it is a pseudo love affair. You are afraid to make love to a woman or a man, so you make love to dollars, rupees, pounds.


Have you not seen when a miser comes across money? Have you seen the light that comes to his eyes, and how the face becomes luminous, as if he is looking at a beautiful woman or a beautiful man…? Just give him a hundred-dollar note, a greenback, and see how he touches it, how he feels it. Saliva starts flowing. It is a love affair. Just look when he opens his money box and looks into it. He is facing God. Money is his God, his beloved.

And when an ambitious person is trying to become the prime minister or the president….


Ambition is sex energy diverted, and the society diverts you. You say, “Why are all the religions against sex?” They are against sex because that is the only way to make you unhappy, guilty, afraid. Once you are afraid, you can be manipulated. Remember this fundamental rule: make a person afraid if you want to dominate him. First make him afraid. If he is afraid, you can dominate him. If he is not afraid, why and how can you dominate him? How will he allow you to be the dominator? He will say, “Be gone. Who are you to dominate me?” First make him afraid.


And there are two things which make people very much afraid. One is death, so religions have exploited that. That you are going to die, that you are going to die, that you are going to die — they persist, so they, they create a trembling. So you say, “What, what am I to do now? How should I behave? How should I live?” And then they say there is hell and there is heaven. Greed and profit, punishment and reward.


So one is death. But death is not yet, so you can postpone it. It is not much of a problem; you say, “Okay, when we will die we will see. And I am not going to die right now. I am going to live fifty years more, at least, so why bother?” And man does not have a very distant — seeing vision; he does not have radar. He cannot see fifty years ahead. Yes, if you say to him, “Tomorrow you are going to die,” he may become afraid, but fifty years? He will say, “Wait, there is no hurry. Let me do my things first.” He may even start doing them faster because “Only fifty years are left? So let me do whatsoever I want to do. Eat, drink, be merry.


So the second thing, which is more fear-creating, is sex. Sex is already the problem. Death WILL be the problem; it is in the future. Sex has the problem in the present; it is already there. Religions contaminate your sex energy. They start making you afraid that it is wrong, it is ugly, it is sin, it will drag you to hell. They want to dominate you; that’s why they are against sex.


But, What I fell is There are only two things needed to make you free. One is that sex is not a sin. it is a God-given gift, it is a grace. And second, there is no death. You will be forever, because whatsoever is remains. Nothing ever disappears. Forms change, names change, but the reality continues


Don’t fell feel guilty, afraid. live naturally, without any domination, so that you can live according to your own spontaneity. And that spontaneity will bring enlightenment. Then sex disappears, and then death disappears.


It has disappeared to me, so I know it will disappear to you also. So why be worried…? And it disappears more easily if you have known it rightly. knowledge of anything takes you beyond; you are finished with it. If you have not lived rightly, you will be as other religious people who have not lived rightly: they hanker, they desire, they dream, but they repress, so they remain clinging to their repressions — they are never free of sex.

A beautiful story. Meditate over it:


The time is the not too distant future. We have finally destroyed ourselves by means of a nuclear holocaust. Everyone is waiting restlessly in a seemingly endless line leading up to the gates of heaven. At the head of the line, Peter is deciding which souls shall enter and which shall be turned away.


Some distance from the gates, an American stands in line wringing his hands in apprehension. Suddenly he hears a murmur beginning at the front of the line, and growing into a joyful rush of sound as it builds in volume moving down the line toward his place. He can make out sounds of celebration in many languages. He hears shouts of “Bravo,” “Bravissimo,” “Bis,” “Encore,” and “Hip, Hip, Hooray.”

“What is it? What is it all about?” he implores of those up ahead of him in the line. At last someone closer to the gates shouts back to him, “Peter just told us:’Screwing don’t count!’…”


Get it? Sex has nothing to do with your enlightenment. Love has nothing to do with your enlightenment. It is in fact going to help you because it will make you more natural. Be natural and don’t cultivate any abnormalities, and you will be closer to God.


Be natural and normal, and allow God to flow though you. He will take you. His river is already moving towards the sea. Don’t try to swim upstream, don’t try to push the river. Go with the river.




13 thoughts on “Why are all the Religions against Sex?

  1. Sex is the only thing in the world where, “EGo & Time ” becomes zero…. there you see the almighty , that remains only for fraction of second but one who discovere achieves cosmic, this is meditation

  2. Ok .. musta not entered after writing .. what i said was :-
    If there is no guilt attached to sex that is wonderful .. and a fulfilling sex life will certainly enhance enlightenment also .. but The West followed this principle years ago and still does .. sex is like brushin your teeth in America .. my point here was that it has both plus AND minus points .. an abundance of free sex leads to depression out of boredom and ordinary sex ceases to satisfy anymore … as with all things over done addiction sets in and demands perversions to appease the appetite .. look at the West today … sex has so many perversions attached to it in d name of fantasies that murder , rape , sadism , Bondage are all being justified today as normal fantasy ./.. this is dangerous and can lead to a fairly unstable mind … so where free sex is wonderful and there should be no guilt attached to sex and a person should be free to express his/her inner self through sex , it nevertheless has to have some line drawn . No limits would lead to a sex addiction and in todays world with porn and fantasy ?? well theres no telling WHAT could happen … Dont you think so ???

    • Yup You are Right
      Real sexual ethics are against all the views that have been held up to now. They were all repressive of sex; they were condemnatory and created a split in the human mind. The whole schizophrenia and all the perversions of man are rooted in those wrong sexual ethics. I conceive of sex as a natural phenomenon. There is nothing profane in it and there is nothing sacred in it. It is purely natural life energy of tremendous importance. If you cannot sublimate it, it can destroy you; and it has destroyed humanity. It is the energy man is born out of; everything is born out of it. Naturally there is no higher energy than sexual energy, but biological reproduction is not its only function. The same energy can have different creative dimensions. The same energy, joined with meditative practices, can be sublimated to the highest peak of consciousness — Its enlightenment.So sexual ethics is not a law, it is love.

    • Deep,

      Accept whosoever you are. No condemnation, no judgement, no evaluation. If you are a homosexual, so what?! Enjoy it! God has made you that way. That is his way of expressing himself through you. And there have been great homosexuals
      – Ankit Bhuptani

      • Ankit,

        I have been proud to be a homosexual since the day I realized I was one. I have always felt that my gay sexual orientation is a gift from God.


    • i agree withmahesh , there should be a balance between excess( as in west ) and repression of sex ( as we face ).
      A balance between the same with some concessions to enjoy sex without excess will be the right thing .How , that needs to be thought of and discussed.

  3. Ankit you have penned a thought provoking article. People are always shocked when I tell them that I can masturbate without the slightest feelings of guilt in a desolate temple, right in the sanctum sanctorum. I have never done so, but I can. I believe, like you, that sex – non-coercive sex, is natural and a gift from God.
    Religions of today are as far away from God as Heaven is from Hell. We see priests making teenagers feel guilty about masturbating and parents berating their children watching porn. The more we try to repress the sexual energy in our bodies the more destructive will be the consequences. For hundreds of years the “holy men” of a particular religion have been ordained into celibacy. Today we hear of massive number of children being abused for decades by those same “holy men”. And the high priests of the same religion have been protecting and continue to protect these pedophiles in the name of religious immunity.
    Whenever we repress or force sex on ourselves or on another we are going against the order of nature.
    When people tell me that I am “unnatural” because I I say that I am 100% gay by birth, I tell them that their homophobic thoughts are unnatural.
    I must add that at such a tender age as yours you have achieved a significant level of spiritual awareness. I am honored to know you and have a lot to learn from you.

    • Dear Deep,
      Thanks a lot for comment

      Sex energy is just at the source of the spine. If a child is taught from the very beginning to be against sex…. Sex is sin, and sex has to be destroyed, or at least controlled — never allowed to go too far, never allowed to be spontaneous; has to be put under many controls, laws, regulations. These laws, regulations, suppressions, they become the buffer: the kundabuffer is created. Then sex energy remains repressed at the source of the spine and does not rise in the spine. That’s what they say in the East: Once the sex energy rises in the spine, you start becoming very very happy. When the sex energy reaches to the seventh — SAHASRAR — you flower into a lotus bloom. Your life then is a deep ecstasy.

  4. ankit , you have written a very good thought provocking article which makes people think already established convictions.

  5. Hats off to u my friend. Just saw ur letter to the supreme court. u make me a proud gay man. keep ging

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